
Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Movie Worth Your Time: Two Weeks Notice

My family and I watched Two Weeks Notice about five years ago and I think it's still our favorite movie ever.
 It's definitely a feel good kind of movie.
One of my first movies with Sandra Bullock in it and after this one, with her, I was hooked. I wanted to watch as many movies with her in it as I could.
 She is just that good.
The Proposal and Blindside are great as well.
Two Weeks Notice is loads of laughs
and it has a great message about using your powers for good instead of evil.
That's what I love.
Hugh Grant
He is a very good actor, and in "comedy" he can just give a look, and you crack up.
He brings a certain kind of class to every movie he's in. Even if he is the bad guy,
 you still like him and think he is...well funny.
And lets be honest, he's just too cute. The accent, the looks, 
how can you resist that?

Sandra Bullock
 On my list she is in the top ten best actresses I've ever known.
You know what she does physical comedy.
And the simple fact is that she can carry herself really well in any movie.

This dress that she is wearing here is soooooo amazing.
She looks gorgeous and it really shows off how beautiful Sandra Bullock is.

The parents...
They are so interesting and so sweet, all at the same time.
I love the way they are always there for her.

Ok I know that he is like a Millionaire but that is just too many clothes for a guy
but now for me...that wouldn't be bad ;)

The guy beside her is great and he talks soooo fast.
You just have to watch it and you will see what I mean.

It's a long story but lets just say, they were taking care of business.

Who would of ever thought that ordering Chinese food would be the perfect ending.
 I looked at the extras and saw the other ending. 
The one they picked is so much better.
Check it out!


How To: Hook a Girl Up!

How to keep the knots out of your necklaces ;)
I hate trying to find places for those long necklaces of mine.
I put all my jewelry in a drawer and it works great.
Except for when I put my necklaces in the drawer they always get tangled in there.
Right when I was about to get rid of all my long necklaces, I looked around my room and found some cute hooks and bingo the light bulb went off.

I hung the necklaces on the hooks and it is working like a charm!  Charm necklace that is! ;)


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Shopping With a Twist

Check this girl's blog out.
The whole thing is about thrift shopping and how to get the most for your money. :o
That's a lot of great shopping.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Like It, Love It, Can't Beat It

So, I went to my Aunt's house with my mom for a few days and had a blast!
First we bought two tickets and hopped on a plane to Dallas.
Something about being swooped up above the clouds, with a coke and pretzels in my hand, that makes me leave all my cares behind.
While visiting with my Aunt and Uncle, after they showed us their adorable apartment,
my Aunt found out that I had never been to H&M.
She decided to enlighten me.
The next day we went to the mall and first stop was H&M.
By the time I was done my mom and Aunt were a little bit out of  it.
I was gone...
I was amazed on how big that place was!  Every time I turned around
 there was another section I didn't know about. 
Too bad there's not one where I live :(
But, it still was a wonderful treat with my Aunt and my Mommy.

The little sweater as soft as a rose petals.
Awesome leggings and just for 10 dollars.

My new leopard print mini skirt and adorable knitted sweater that goes great with black leggings
 without the mini skirt as well.

This black and tan mini skirt is just icing on the cake and only 5 dollars :o
So find one and go shop!!!



Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm a Republican Woman...Hear Me Roar!

So, today I went and voted.
It was so exciting.
It really felt good to have a voice.
You know I really don't know much about politics. It just never seemed to interest me.
I felt like I would be "shooting in the dark" if I voted.
Even though I am eighteen years old now and can vote, I told my mom I wasn't going to vote.
Being the loving and caring mom she is, she helped me know a little bit about what I was missing.
She taught me what both parties believe in and the differences between them.
We watched the debates together and I was amazed how much I understood.
I guess I was intimidated by the whole thing.  I just didn't even try to understand any of it.
My favorite part about watching the debates was watching each candidate's body language.
For instance...
  • On the first debate,  Romney was answering a question  and for some reason he looked at Obama but right when he did, Obama looked straight down. He wouldn't look at Romney.  Now, it's my experience when someone won't look you in the eyes...they're most likely lying to you. That's definitely something to think about.
  • Obama said at the second debate that Israel is his friend, but Romney pointed out that when Obama went on his "apology tour" he went to many countries in the Middle East, skipping Israel.  Not only did those countries notice...long pause...but Israel noticed too!  I loved that part!  
You can probably tell I'm rooting for Romney.
Just look at the facts.
Did Obama do anything he said he would do?...NO...Then why would we elect him again?
 If you watch the debates again, you will see the candidate who showed his worth was Gov. Romney, and the one who was defensive was President Barak Hussein Obama.
It's like my sister's friend said "you can vote for whoever you like...
just vote for Romney, who isn't a Muslim!" ;)
So, today I voted for Romney. Not because my family agrees with his politics, 
but because...I agree with his politics!



Monday, July 16, 2012


God made us special.
I am always thinking that I'm really not talented...I'm only talented if someone needs me. That is not true and I'm learning that the hard way. Some people just want you to think that, so you will always be dependent upon them and then they can use you for whatever they want, for as long as they want. You cannot grow that way, so the people doing that to you obviously don't care about you. That happened to me and I should of left when I saw it happening, but I didn't. Silly of me for believing their lies, like "that" place was the only place that I could learn. The only place that I could have friends. The only place I could play on stage and have fun. The only place I could share my love of music with others that had the same love of music as me.
Because of their lies I almost lost two of the most important things inside of me...
My faith in God's Grace and my passion for music.
Music is almost like breathing to me and God's Grace is my breath.
When I can't sleep God gave me my guitar to pick up and play.
It's like He's singing a lullaby to me <3
 And when I think I've screwed everything up by letting my guard down, He shows me
that I can lean on Him instead of trusting on my own self efforts.
I finally left and I lost some friends because I did.
So I've been a little depressed lately and I think I actually wanted to be.
 But right now, writing this, I can see, I have grown more in just a few days then I have in two whole years. I'm already gaining ground, I'm winning, I'm rounding third base.
 I know the reason now.
God has had my back from the very beginning.
I just didn't know it or just didn't believe it.
He really is my BEST friend!
This is just another day where Jesus's love for me is as bright as the sun.
I guess that saying is true "the best revenge is success."
But since Jesus is in me, I'm already successful!!

I hope someone can read this and see that there is always going to be a sunrise.
No matter how alone you feel...your NOT.



My aunt started a page on facebook.
It's called "Understanding Abuse".
It gives you facts and articles about abuse and most importantly,
it gives you hope that no matter what, God is here for you.
It encourages you greatly and shows you that you are not the only one dealing with this stuff.
It may not answer every question
 but coming from a person that needed some encouragement for herself,
 it had a very unique way of looking at abuse.
My aunt wants to help anyone who needs help and she knows
that abuse should never be in your life.
So please don't hesitate, join this page and start enjoying your life.

You don't have to be the victim anymore.
Come on guys, it's not wrong to stand up for yourself.
Wow, I am so pumped writing this!
Join me and my family in getting pumped :)!/groups/371137082934945/

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Point of Resolve

I'm afraid,
I'm longing for the day when I can just run away,
But even that brings me no closer to doing what I may,
I can't run away,
I can't just stay and behave,
So no matter what you say,
As for me I cannot stay,
For this is not play,
For this is a cage,

I refuse to be the victim any longer,
I am the beloved of the Father,
Therefore I can be successful,
And no one can say I am too bashful,
Put yourself in my shoes for just a little longer,
And you will see, this cannot make me stronger.

I just want to say thanks to my family that has always been there for me.
I love you guys soooo much!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Movie Worth Your Time: One For the Money

mmm...What to say about this movie?
Funny, exciting and full of action.
The story was well written and the actors and actresses were phenomenal.


No explaining necessary for Katherine Heigl, she is a pro all the way.
I think I fell in love with her character twenty minutes into this movie.
You know, this is the first movie I have seen her in with her hair curled and brown.
This was definitely a different role for her, than "Love Come Softly," but maybe that's just me.


Oh loads of chemistry between
Katherine Heigl (who plays Stephanie Plum) and Jason O'Mara (who plays Joe Morelli).
The cute sweet girl and the handsome bad boy work side by side.
Isn't that always the way it goes?


These two are hilarious!!
Everyone likes a good cop, bad cop thing.


 I think I would go for his gun...or maybe not ;)

Her grandmother Mazur is sooooo cute.
You always picture a grandmother baking cookies for you, but not this one,
she is a little fireball!
Debbie Reynolds didn't have a big part but she made a booming impact ;)
You have got to see this movie!
Too sweet!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Role Model...For Now

Jennifer Aniston

To me Jennifer Aniston is one of the best actress I know.

I never knew that there was a big debate on google about
whether or not Jennifer has blue or brown eyes.
Well, my opinion is,
 I think she has blue/green eyes and sometimes wears blue contacts to make them even more blue,
like in this pic.
I've got to say, I would do the same thing if I could get contacts.

Thumbs up to a very popular actress.

 I really like this outfit, so classy and those necklaces,
that is amazing taste.

Lovely look!
 So airy and clean, makes her eyes pop out, and that beige lip gloss...perfect!

Oh the famous haircut!
I loved her in Friends almost as much as I loved this haircut.
 Apparently she didn't even like it.
The designer was trying something new even though she was hesitant.
They tried anyways but she never liked it.
Go figure.

I don't know if this is her dog but
I can tell (by the insane amount of dogs in her pics) that she is an animal lover.

You know, not many people can pull off orange.

Jennifer has a great smile, perfect for her cheek bones.
Just saying.

I think this is my favorite pic!
So fun and spontaneous.
Whoever took this pic knew what they were doing.

I am on a quest to see all of the movies that Jennifer Anistone has been in.
If you haven't noticed I'm a big fan.
My mom said that with all the crazy people in the world,
she is not that bad of a role model.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Button

Ok, I really want to get my blog more viewers and followers. So to make it more convenient for you guys, I have a post with my button on it! If you have a blog or if you know anyone who does, please put it on your blogs. I would be ecstatic if you used my button or followed me :o Thanks so much!

Friday, April 13, 2012


This touched me when not alot of things did,

When I was so confused I couldn't let anyone in,

I didn't know what was the truth and what was a lie,

All I knew was that God was on my side.

I get inspired every time I watch this video.
I saw it for the first time about one year ago and I'm still talking about it.
Hope you are inspired too =)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Had a Frown on Easter Day

I was having a really good week.
 I had finished all of my homework and had practiced all my music
and we had just come home from a Easter play at our church.
And that's when it happened, when my parents told me and my sister that our dog had died.
His name was Caleb and we had him for 9 years.
My sister wasn't feeling good already so she had a harder time at first.
Since I don't really like crying in front of people, I tried to hold it in but did not succeed.
So, I went to my room and I could feel the knot in my stomach.
I picked up my guitar, trying anything to distract me.
That didn't work either.
My mom found me sitting on the floor crying over my guitar like that Taylor Swift song
Teardrops on My Guitar.

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a big animal lover.
Yes, I want to make every stray dog a pet, but that doesn't mean I do.
And also, I don't deal with change very well and this is definitely a change.

So the next day, I woke up wishing it was a dream, but I knew it wasn't :(
I thought it would make me feel better to clean up all his stuff on the back porch.
If you are smarter than I was on that day, you already know that going out to the porch was
NOT a good idea. I was more sad than when I woke up. oy
All day it was up and down again, I would start to feel better and then I would see dogs for sale on the side of the road and start crying all over again.
I didn't get on facebook or my blog.  I didn't even look at my phone.
Lets just say it wasn't a good Easter.
So, we figured out three things you always want when you're feeling sad...
1. Chocolate
2. Comfort food. (Orlando's Sonic)
3. And stand up comedy.
While chocolate and comfort food and comedy are great,
they were just a temporary fix.
 And shutting myself out from everybody wasn't right either.
After the chocolate, I had a stomach ache.
And the sonic, well it was still good.
I did laugh at the stand up comedy, but after it was done, I was right back to where I was before.
I quickly realized the reason why all these things weren't working is that
God meant for us to seek comfort in family and Him and I was shutting out both.
Pretty stupid huh?
Jesus was always there, just waiting for me to ask Him for comfort.
So I did :)
  Now I know, I'm going to be ok real soon.
Here are some of my favorite pics of Caleb

I will always love that annoying dog :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Questions/Anybody Have Answers

Something has been on my mind and I would like to share.
I find myself engrossed with all of these questions about the machine we call
Why is cussing such a big deal when there are people out there that have real problems?
For instance...drugs, suicide or aids, and that's just a few.
Why do you condemn people because they have a life?
Why do you think it's a good thing to give up family time to help at the church?
Why do you say the church building is the house of the Lord,
when the Bible says it's in you, you're the temple?
With all these questions in my head, you can understand why my mind has been racing :o
and the worst thing is, I don't know the answers.
You see my mom is going though the same things as me.
Which is weird because we use to be so sure of everything.. which sounds stupid now.
How can someone be sure of everything. That's religious pride for you ;)
But here's the cool part!
I saw my mom reading a book called
 " So You Don't Want To Go To Church Any More."
She read a little to me and at first I thought that it would just make me more confused,
but it did the exact opposite.
My eyes were open and I finally knew what I needed to do.
I had to read this book ;)
So I'm setting a goal, starting now and ending June the 30th..
my sisters birthday!!! he he
I don't expect this book to answer all my questions, but just to prove to myself that
I don't have to be afraid of looking at different views on life.
This is going to be interesting!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Messy Mondays

I saw this on one of my friend's facebook pages and I've got to say, these guys have got my attention.
Jordan and his brother together make all these hilarious videos on youtube!
They are called blimeycow and new videos are released every Monday.
They have a facebook page and I think they have a twitter too!
Anyone who doesn't know them is truly missing out ;)

Here are some of my favs!!!
Being a homeschooler myself, I especially like the first one.
It's hard to narrow them down because I like them all but I tried =)


This one makes me laugh so hard!  Every time I am at church I think about this video. 
He's ironically close to the things people do at church.

I've heard of a lot of "lists" before, but this is by far one the best!

Youth Groups....he might be illustrating his point a little more obvious than reality,
 but he's really close (and funny). 

I find myself doing the exact thing he talks about in this video. 

They've got a lot more videos out there so check them out!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Movie Worth Your Time: Sleepless in Seattle

This is a wonderful movie! One of my family's favs ;)
Two different people, in two different worlds.
It was like magic ;)

 Meg Ryan plays a woman that listened to a radio station on Christmas Eve
and after that night, she starts questioning everything she was certain about before.

She goes for days asking her friends, "Am I crazy?", "Am I being ridiculous?"

Tom Hanks is playing a man suffering from a huge loss.
And at the same time is try to raise his son, Jonah.

Through the whole movie you are in complete suspense.
You've just got to know will it all work out or will it just be a passing thought
"who was he?" "who was she?"
You gasp, you scream, you jump, you cry....
and all you want to know is DO THEY GET TOGETHER!!!'re just going to have to watch the movie for yourself.
It's funny, interesting and it's truly GOOD!!!
Hope you like this classic.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am starting to read a book called "Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth".
By the first chapter I was in complete amazement. It's by Joseph Prince, he's a pastor in Singapore.
He preaches radical grace and my family and I have been listening to him for about a year.
I will not attempt to do this book justice. So, I'm going to show you the first chapter.
You won't be able to get it fast enough.

Chapter 1
How You See God Affects How You Receive From God.

Why Do You See Me Like That?
Many years ago, I heard God's voice distinctly while I was praying. What He said changed my theology.
On this day, I had begun to pray, "Heavenly Father..." and as usual, I pictured God as an old
man with white hair, white eyebrows and a long white beard. I don't know about you , but until then, that's how I pictured God. Then, suddenly, I heard His voice speak to me. It was an inner voice that said, "Son, stop! Why do you see Me like that?" I obeyed and stopped, and then I replied,
"Oh, because you are my Father and fathers are usually very old."
God said to me, "Son, growing old is part of the curse on earth. Because of Adam's sin, people grow
old, they become weak and they die. In heaven, there is no curse. I am forever young."
Now, that really changed the way I saw God. It changed my perspective. And it changed the way I prayed from that day onwards. Now, when ever I pray, I see a heavenly Father who is youthful and dynamic.
How do you see God? How do your Christian and non-Christian friends see God? If you go
into the streets and ask people what God is like, many of then will probably tell you
that God is old, that He is serious because He is
holy and that He is a strict disciplinarian who is always catching them doing wrong. Some of them will even tell you that God disciplines them with sicknesses and other hardships.

God Is Not Judgmental, God Is Loving
Listen to me, my friend, God is not like that. He is like a father who is always thinking of ways
 to put a smile on his boy's face.
He goes to the toy shop to look for a gift. He finds one and there is a smile on his face as he looks at the toy. He is imagining his son opening up the gift for the first time and looking at the toy with joy.
And he is smiling. God is like that. He is a good Father.

Matthew 7:11 tells us:
If you then, being evil, know
how to give good gifts to your children,
 how much more will your Father who
is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Right now, He is thinking of you and He has a smile on His face because
 He has something wonderful prepared for you!
That is the kind of God you and I have. He is not out to catch you doing wrong so that
He can knock you on the head! No, He always affirms His love for you.
He is the warm, friendly voice on the inside that lifts you up and strengthens you.
Some people may not agree with this picture of God. Perhaps they didn't grow up with fathers who
were good to them. They may have had absentee fathers, fathers who were never there for them. Or worse, they may have had abusive fathers who beat them harshly. So their image of a father is already tainted, They automatically assume that God is like their own father. They find it hard to see
God as a gracious, giving Father. If you are like that, I want you to know that God is a Father of the fatherless, (Psalm 68:5) He is a loving Father who will never leave you nor forsake you!
Now, at times, you may "hear" a voice in your head that points out your shortcomings and sins, that condemns you and makes you feel dirty. That is not the voice of God,
but the voice of the devil! In Revelation 12:10, Satan is called
"the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night".
This tells us that Satan comes to accuse us of having broken God is not like that. He
does not go about reminding us of our sin and what we have done wrong.

John 16:8-11 says:
And when He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness,
and of judgment: of sin, because they do not
believe in My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment,
because the ruler of this world is judged.

Notice that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin. The word is singular-not sins, but sin.
Why? Because the Holy Spirit only convicts us of one sin- not believing in Jesus.
But once you believe in Jesus, what does the Holy Spirit convict you of? Of righteousness.
Have you ever heard that? Most people hear that the Holy Spirit is a nag,
that he tells them what is wrong with them.
but here, we are told that He convicts us of righteousness because Jesus has died to remove our
sins and make us eternally righteous.
And contrary to what we always been hearing, He convicts us that it is not us He judges, but the devil!
Yet, there are people who see a God of the Old Testament, a God who judges His people, and who corrects and disciplines them.  They think that God always wants to correct and discipline them.  Let me tell you, the God of the Old Testament may have executed justice from time to time, but His heart is not in judgment. 

Psalms 103:8-9 declares..
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.
  He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever.

You see, God loves mercy.  His heart is full of mercy, not judgment. 
The Bible doesn't say that God is judgment. 
The Bible says that God is Love. (1 John 4:8)
It says that His mercy endures forever! (Psalms 136:1)
Some of you may stop me at this point and say, "Pastor Prince, does it really matter how I see God?"  Well yes, it does!  It is very important how you see God, because when it comes to the fight of life
how you see God will affect your faith and how you receive from Him.
Your perception of God will determine the quality of your relationship with Him and this affects everything else-the way you share God's love with those around you, your relationship with your husband or wife, the way you respond to hardships at work...

How You See Determines How You'll Receive
There was a young man in our church who was having a tough time with his business partner. 
He finally gave up his share of the business to his partner.  As a result, he was without a job for awhile.
During that time, I had been preaching a series of messages on how your heavenly Father takes care of everything, and how all we need to do is to trust Him.
The young man applied this message to his work life and prayed for a better job.  He saw God as a powerful and loving Father, and simply left the matter in God's hands.  It wasn't long before he was offered a great job.  He was given the role of Business Manager for an engineering company in the oil and gas industry, even though he didn't have any engineering background and was only 25 years old!
This new role basically is to run the company's local subsidiary with another manager. 
He worked from home and his hours are flexible.  He also gets along well with the sales development manager and he says the salary is "pretty good."  Not bad for someone who needed a new job!
When you see God as a giving and gracious Father, it becomes easy to receive what you need from Him, whether it is a new job, healing or financial breakthrough.
Now, some of you may say, "Pastor Prince, we can't always expect God to deliver us from our troubles because He may use difficult circumstances to teach us important lessons."
Listen to me , if you are drowning and you call out to God to save you, God is not going to take the opportunity to give you a 10-lesson swimming course. He is not going to say, "Okay,
step one: Kick. Now, progress to step two: Move your hands. Step three: Breathe..."
Anyone who does that is cruel! No, God would not do that! He will save you straightaway! He will grab you and bring you to shore. Remember when Peter decided he wanted to walk out on the water to meet Jesus?
When he began to doubt and sink, he cried, "Lord, save me!" Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him. (Matthew 14:30-31) He didn't use the opportunity to give Peter a 10-point faith course! He saved Peter immediately.
Faith Works Best When You Know God's Love For You
Beloved, in your time of need, receiving from God because easy if you will see Him as a gracious
Father who responds immediately to your cries.
You will then expect a miracle from a God of mercy, not some painful, lengthy lesson from a 
God of judgment. Don't get me wrong, God does teach us, but He doesn't teach us
with accidents, tragedies or sicknesses. So how does God teach us?
He uses His Word to discipline or train us. If there is an area of your life that needs to be corrected, God do speak to your heart about it, perhaps through a sermon or even though your spouse! You may
not like what you hear, but you need to know that He is doing it for your benefit because you are His son or daughter and He loves you. (Hebrews 12:5-11)
I want to challenge you: What kind of God do you really see? Do you still see an angry God
who likes to point out your mistakes and knock you on your head? Or do you see a gracious, giving Father?
And chapter 2 gets even better ;)
I hope you try to find a copy and read the book with me

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Miranda Lambert, Can't Get Better Than That ;)

Miranda Lambert!
Now that is a chick that knows what she wants.
Miranda Lambert knew that even though she was a girl, she knew that if someone
would stop and listen, they might like what she had to say.
I just watched a show about how she got to where she is today.
It was the most interesting and inspiring show I have ever watched. 
She was just 17 when she decided to start the long journey to Tennessee.
There are two sides of Miranda Lambert..there's the sweet and caring girl..and there's the strong fireball girl.
You know the song called "Gunpowder & Lead" I thought it was about her but it's not...
Miranda's family took in women and their children that were struggling with abusive husbands.
She is singing about them.

I love the way she can relate to so many people on so many levels!
They talked about how Blake and Miranda met.
 I love this duet. You have got to see it

She said it wasn't always a fairytale but they made it through the hard times and came out stronger.
But look at them now, Miranda and Blake are married and they are the cutest couple in country music.
What more can I say..she's awesome!!!

Oh and check out Miranda's website...

Well , she inspired me... did she inspire you?