When In Doubt Go With Overalls
Every time I'm really tired and just not feeling it I get out my trusty overalls.
Come on girls, you know what I'm talking about.
Had a hard week at work, been putting outfits together all week and you just want something super easy...oh yeah, overalls.
I just love how versatile they are, you can put them with sandals or kicks to make them the cutest most comfy outfit ever. You can also (depending on what kind of overalls you have) put them with booties or some classy flats to make them a very hipster kickass look.
As long as I'm wearing overalls I like them any way.
But they are one of my go-to airplane outfits. I mean they're perfect, they're comfy, versatile cool in the summer and you can layer with a sweater in the winter. Most of all I don't think I've said this yet...THEY ARE CUTE!
Peace guys